
I am Spencer (you can also call me Finn, Quinn, or Kit), a nonbinary digital artist.
My pronouns, in no specific order, are:

I have multiple fursona's, though, Quinn is definitely my main-main, and you will see them, the most.

I'm always willing to talk to new people, and make new friends, just be aware of my DNI. If you start with "small talk" that is okay!

Basic links will be to the right, under my signature.

Scrolling further will give you more information.

Important Notes:

I have a few chronic and mental conditions that I do discuss and mention, from time to time.

I try to put content and trigger warnings, for when I am discussing these things.

What Are these conditions, what should I (as a follower) be aware of:

  • BPD (Borderline personality disorder)

  • PCOS

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Cognitive Impairment

  • If you're curious of anything else, feel free to ask.

What Types of Content Will I Be Seeing, When I Follow?

Generally, I tend to discuss a lot.

I work on character designing, experimenting with my work, etc.

For a more specific list, see your right.

  • I create the following

  • Soft vore work

  • Character design work

  • raffles

  • general kink work (feel free to ask about themes.)

  • gore (horror based/expression based.)

  • I also do my best to boost voices, and discuss important matters. (Human rights are not politics!)


How long have you been in the furry fandom?

Since I was 10, I only started getting really involved with it, once I was 13 or so.

What art programs do you use?

MediBang Paint Pro and my phone (when not at computer) with a stylus, MediBang Paint Pro with a VEIKK 1200 tablet or VEIKK A30 tablet.

What are your interests?

Horror, insects, anatomy/biology, crystals and geology, arachnids, animals, overall the general things!

  • Other Notes!

  • I may take a bit to open up to new people.

  • I occasionally disappear for a few days, usually because I require rest and my health just forces me to do it.

  • I am generally always available, never be afraid to send me a message!